
Hi, I'm Isaac, and this is my personal site. I'm still figuring out how I want to use this thing, but for now you can check out the small amount of articles I've posted on my blog. I enjoy writing code, cooking, weightlifting, coffee brewing, and making music, among other things.

Contact Me

Some other places I exist


Here are some cool projects that I've either done for fun in my free time or have completed for other people.

Nick Hakim Online Store

Developed a website for artist Nick Hakim, along with Peter Campanelli

Baby Keem Online Store

Developed a shopify merchandise store for rapper Baby Keem, along with Peter Campanelli

What Are You Cooking?

Recipe sharing website with Sign-In with Google, profiles, tags, and search by tags. I used React for building the UI, TypeScript to increase type safety, and Tailwind CSS for styling. View on GitHub

Wordle Solver Bot

A Wordle solving bot I wrote in python. No machine learning here, so it's not actually that great ;)

Digit Recognition

A project I completed for coursework with three classmates in an Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course. Uses the MNIST Database